Portfolio Rebalancing

Rebalancing API offers investment advisors a way to easily create investment portfolios that are automatically updated to the specified cash, stock symbol percentage weights, rebalance conditions, and triggers selected. Some helpful definitions before an overview of the rebalancing flow:

  • Portfolios: An allocation containing securities and/or cash with specific weights and conditions to be met
  • Subscriptions: Accounts can be subscribed to a created portfolio and follow rebalancing events to ensure the account if kept in sync with the target portfolio
  • Runs: A run is a set of orders that will be sent for execution to achieve a goal (liquidating a specified amount to set it aside for withdrawal or doing a full rebalance to the target allocation)


Rebalancing API Resource

Types of Rebalancing

Rebalancing API offers two types of rebalancing conditions:

  • Drift Band: When a portfolio breaches a certain threshold, irrespective of the time period elapsed, the portfolio is adjusted. For instance, if we put a +/- 10% band on a portfolio, we would automatically adjust the entire portfolio when we reach the threshold for one of the holdings
  • Calendar: At the desired period, the state of the portfolio is analyzed and the portfolio is rebalanced to the default portfolio. For example, on April 1st our 50:50 AAPL TLT portfolio is not 55:45, so we would need to liquidate TLT and buy more AAPL to return to the desired state of exposure of 50:50.

Create a Portfolio

To create a portfolio use the Create Portfolio POST endpoint.

See below see example payload to create a portfolio with a mix of cash and securities:

    "name": "Balanced",
    "description": "A balanced portfolio of stocks and bonds",
    "weights": [
            "type": "cash",
            "percent": "5"
            "type": "asset",
            "symbol": "SPY",
            "percent": "60"
            "type": "asset",
            "symbol": "TLT",
            "percent": "35"
    "cooldown_days": 7,
    "rebalance_conditions": [
            "type": "drift_band",
            "sub_type": "absolute",
            "percent": "5"
            "type": "drift_band",
            "sub_type": "relative",
            "percent": "20"

Once exeuted, you can find the portfolio ID in the response payload similar to the one below. In our case our newly created portfolio ID is 2d49d00e-ab1c-4014-89d8-70c5f64df2fc. This will be needed to be able to subscribe an account to follow this new portfolio.

    "id": "2d49d00e-ab1c-4014-89d8-70c5f64df2fc",
    "name": "Balanced Two",
    "description": "A balanced portfolio of stocks and bonds",
    "status": "active",
    "cooldown_days": 7,
    "created_at": "2022-08-07T14:56:45.116867815-04:00",
    "updated_at": "2022-08-07T14:56:45.196857944-04:00",
    "weights": [
            "type": "cash",
            "symbol": null,
            "percent": "5"
            "type": "asset",
            "symbol": "SPY",
            "percent": "60"
            "type": "asset",
            "symbol": "TLT",
            "percent": "35"
    "rebalance_conditions": [
            "type": "drift_band",
            "sub_type": "absolute",
            "percent": "5",
            "day": null
            "type": "drift_band",
            "sub_type": "relative",
            "percent": "20",
            "day": null

You can also list all your created portfolios with the List All Portfolios endpoint.

Subscribe Account to a Portfolio

Once you have a portfolio created, the next step is to subscribe a given account to follow a portfolio. This will ensure that when rebalancing conditions are found the accounts is subscribed to have the needed orders executed.

To subscribe an account to our newly created portfolio and its rebalancing conditions we create a new subscription. For example, to subscribe account ID bf2b0f93-f296-4276-a9cf-288586cf4fb7 to our newly created portfolio from before, we use the Create Subscriptions endpoint with the following JSON payload,

    "account_id": "bf2b0f93-f296-4276-a9cf-288586cf4fb7",
    "portfolio_id": "57d4ec79-9658-4916-9eb1-7c672be97e3e"

Check Rebalancing Events

Once an account is subscribed to a portfolio, we need to wait for the first rebalancing event to happen. We can check completed rebalancing events for all our accounts by using the List All Runs endpoint.

curl --location --request GET '{{HOST}}/v1/beta/rebalancing/runs?status=COMPLETED_SUCCESS' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <TOKEN>' \
--data-raw ''

See example payload of a succesful run,

    "runs": [
            "id": "36699e7f-56a0-4b87-8e03-968363f4b6df",
            "type": "full_rebalance",
            "amount": null,
            "initiated_from": "system",
            "status": "COMPLETED_SUCCESS",
            "reason": null,
            "account_id": "b3130eeb-1219-46f3-8bfb-7715f00d736b",
            "portfolio_id": "4ad7d634-a60d-4e6e-955f-3c68ee24d285",
            "weights": [
                    "type": "cash",
                    "symbol": null,
                    "percent": "5"
                    "type": "asset",
                    "symbol": "SPY",
                    "percent": "60"
                    "type": "asset",
                    "symbol": "TLT",
                    "percent": "35"
            "orders": [
                    "id": "c29dd94b-eaaf-4681-9d1f-4fd47571804b",
                    "client_order_id": "cb2d1ff5-8355-4c92-84d7-dfff43f44cb2",
                    "created_at": "2022-03-08T16:51:07.442125Z",
                    "updated_at": "2022-03-08T16:51:07.525039Z",
                    "submitted_at": "2022-03-08T16:51:07.438495Z",
                    "filled_at": "2022-03-08T16:51:07.520169Z",
                    "expired_at": null,
                    "canceled_at": null,
                    "failed_at": null,
                    "replaced_at": null,
                    "replaced_by": null,
                    "replaces": null,
                    "asset_id": "3b64361a-1960-421a-9464-a484544193df",
                    "symbol": "SPY",
                    "asset_class": "us_equity",
                    "notional": "30443.177578017",
                    "qty": null,
                    "filled_qty": "72.865432211",
                    "filled_avg_price": "417.8",
                    "order_class": "",
                    "order_type": "market",
                    "type": "market",
                    "side": "buy",
                    "time_in_force": "day",
                    "limit_price": null,
                    "stop_price": null,
                    "status": "filled",
                    "extended_hours": false,
                    "legs": null,
                    "trail_percent": null,
                    "trail_price": null,
                    "hwm": null,
                    "subtag": null,
                    "source": null
                    "id": "ab772dcb-b67c-4173-a5b5-e31b9ad236b5",
                    "client_order_id": "d6278f6c-3010-45ce-aaee-6e64136deec0",
                    "created_at": "2022-03-08T16:51:07.883352Z",
                    "updated_at": "2022-03-08T16:51:07.934602Z",
                    "submitted_at": "2022-03-08T16:51:07.877726Z",
                    "filled_at": "2022-03-08T16:51:07.928907Z",
                    "expired_at": null,
                    "canceled_at": null,
                    "failed_at": null,
                    "replaced_at": null,
                    "replaced_by": null,
                    "replaces": null,
                    "asset_id": "a106d0ef-e6f2-4736-8750-5dee1cadf75b",
                    "symbol": "TLT",
                    "asset_class": "us_equity",
                    "notional": "17121.076868834",
                    "qty": null,
                    "filled_qty": "124.408348124",
                    "filled_avg_price": "137.62",
                    "order_class": "",
                    "order_type": "market",
                    "type": "market",
                    "side": "buy",
                    "time_in_force": "day",
                    "limit_price": null,
                    "stop_price": null,
                    "status": "filled",
                    "extended_hours": false,
                    "legs": null,
                    "trail_percent": null,
                    "trail_price": null,
                    "hwm": null,
                    "subtag": null,
                    "source": null
            "completed_at": null,
            "canceled_at": null,
            "created_at": "2022-03-08T16:36:07.053482Z",
            "updated_at": "2022-03-08T16:51:08.53806Z"
    "next_page_token": 100



Cash inflows to the account (deposits, cash journals, etc.) will trigger buy trades to reduce drift.

Manually Trigger Rebalancing Event (Run)

Rebalancing API will automatically configure systems to watch for portfolio rebalancing conditions and execute necessary orders. However, if you need to execute a rebalancing run see reference of Create Run endpoint.


Manually executing a run is currently only allowed for accounts who do not have an active subscription.


Q: What is the minimum cash required for a rebalancing run?

For a rebalancing run to occur, there must be a minimum of $1 per asset in the portfolio.

Example 1 - A portfolio that is 50% AAPL, 25% TSLA, 25% GOOGL
Assuming all other rebalancing conditions and cooldown days are met, a rebalancing run would only occur with at least $1 per asset in the portfolio deposited. Anything less would not trigger a rebalance.

Example 2 - A portfolio that is 50% AAPL, 25% TSLA, 25% CASH
Assuming all other rebalancing conditions and cooldown days are met, a rebalancing run would only occur with at least $1 per asset in the portfolio deposited. Anything less would not trigger a rebalance.

For an invest_cash run to occur, a minimum of $10 must be deposited.

Q: Can rebalancing run partially for some assets where minimum notional is satisfied but not run for the assets where minimum notional is not satisfied?

Yes. If a portfolio has 11 assets, but only $10 is deposited, there will be a partial rebalancing where 10 assets will be invested in.

Q: When does a Rebalancing Job or invest_cash job run at Alpaca?

When cash is first invested into a portfolio (assuming the minimum cash requirement is met), a rebalancing job of type full_rebalance will occur.

Thereafter, if a minimum of $10 is invested, an invest_cash job will run regardless of the portfolio rebalancing conditions and the cooldown period.

After the cooldown period, and if the rebalancing conditions are met, then a rebalancing job will run.

Both the rebalance and invest_cash jobs run between 930am -330pm EST .

Q: What are the steps for Cash Withdrawal if a user wants to close the positions and withdraw their cash?

The steps are as follows:

  1. Unsubscribe the user using the https://broker-api.sandbox.alpaca.markets/v1/rebalancing/subscriptions/{subscription_id} DELETE request.
  2. Execute a manual run with revised portfolio weights using the https://broker-api.sandbox.alpaca.markets/v1/rebalancing/runs POST request.
  3. Wait for the desired amount to be available as withdrawable cash, and then make a GET request to https://broker-api.sandbox.alpaca.markets/v1/trading/accounts/{account_id}/account and check if cash_withdrawable has the desired amount.

*Note: The amount credited from the trade, will be available for withdrawal on the next trading day (T+1).

  1. Journal the money from user account to firm account using the https://broker-api.sandbox.alpaca.markets/v1/journals POST request.
  2. Subscribe the user back to their portfolio using the https://broker-api.sandbox.alpaca.markets/v1/rebalancing/subscriptions POST request.

Q: Under what conditions might the rebalancer stop rebalancing my portfolio?

The rebalancer may cease operations if your account encounters certain restrictions that block trading activities. These include:

  • Pattern Day Trading (PDT) Flag: If your account is marked as a Pattern Day Trader, trading will be restricted. For more details, refer to our PDT rule explanation.
  • ACH Return: When an ACH deposit is returned by your bank, your account is automatically restricted and will lead to trading blocks on your account.
  • Position to Equity Ratio Exceeded: This is calculated as (position_market_value / equity). If this ratio exceeds the maximum allowed limit (6:1), the account will be restricted during buying power verification.
  • Crypto Trading Restriction: Set when account is restricted to liquidation for crypto trading
  • Options Trading Restriction: Set when account is restricted to liquidation for options trading
  • Unspecified Restrictions: Other unforeseen issues may also result in trading limitations.

To ensure continuous rebalancing run functionality, it's crucial to monitor your account for these conditions and address any issues promptly.