About Market Data API

Gain seamless access to a wealth of data with Alpaca Market Data API, offering real-time and historical information for equities, options, crypto and more.


The Market Data API offers seamless access to market data through both HTTP and WebSocket protocols. With a focus on historical and real-time data, developers can efficiently integrate these APIs into their applications.

To simplify the integration process, we provide user-friendly SDKs in Python, Go, NodeJS, and C#. These SDKs offer comprehensive functionalities, making it easier for developers to work with the Market Data APIs & Web Sockets.

To experiment with the APIs, developers can try them with Postman: either through the public workspace on Postman or directly from our GitHub repository.

By leveraging Alpaca Market Data API and its associated SDKs, developers can seamlessly incorporate historical and real-time market data into their applications, enabling them to build powerful and data-driven financial products.

Subscription Plans

For regular users we offer two subscription plans: Basic and Algo Trader Plus.

The Basic plan serves as the default option for both Paper and Live trading accounts, ensuring all users can access essential data with zero cost. However, this plan only includes limited real-time data: for equities only the IEX exchange, for options only the indicative feed. For advanced traders we recommend subscribing to Algo Trader Plus which includes complete market coverage for stocks and options as well.


BasicAlgo Trader Plus
PricingFree$99 / month
Securities coverageUS Stocks & ETFsUS Stocks & ETFs
Real-time market coverageIEXAll US Stock Exchanges
Websocket subscriptions30 symbolsUnlimited
Historical data timeframeSince 2016Since 2016
Historical data limitation*latest 15 minutesno restriction
Historical API calls200 / min10,000 / min

Our data sources are directly fed by the CTA (Consolidated Tape Association), which is administered by NYSE (New York Stock Exchange), and the UTP (Unlisted Trading Privileges) stream, which is administered by Nasdaq. The synergy of these two sources ensures comprehensive market coverage, encompassing 100% of market volume.


BasicAlgo Trader Plus
Securities coverageUS Options SecuritiesUS Options Securities
Real-time market coverageIndicative Pricing FeedOPRA Feed
Websocket subscriptions200 quotes1000 quotes
Historical data limitation*latest 15 minutesno restriction
Historical API calls200 / min10,000 / min

Our options data sources are directly fed by OPRA (Options Price Reporting Authority).

Broker partners

We offer custom pricing and tailored solutions for Broker API partners seeking to leverage our comprehensive market data. Our goal is to meet the specific needs and requirements of our valued partners, ensuring they have access to the data and tools necessary to enhance their services and provide exceptional value to their customers. For detailed information about our pricing options and the benefits of becoming a Broker API partner, kindly reach out to our sales team.


With the exception of historical crypto data, all market data endpoints require authentication. API keys can be acquired in the web UI (under the API keys on the right sidebar). The key / secret pair then can be used in HTTP request headers named APCA-API-KEY-ID and APCA-API-SECRET-KEY, respectively, or in the WebSocket stream.