JUMP TOTrading APIAuthenticationAccountsGet AccountgetAssetsGet AssetsgetGet an Asset by ID or SymbolgetGet Option ContractsgetGet an option contract by ID or SymbolgetCorporate ActionsRetrieve a Specific AnnouncementgetRetrieve AnnouncementsgetOrdersCreate an OrderpostGet All OrdersgetDelete All OrdersdeleteGet Order by IDgetReplace Order by IDpatchDelete Order by IDdeletePositionsAll Open PositionsgetClose All PositionsdeleteGet an Open PositiongetClose a PositiondeleteExercise an Options PositionpostPortfolio HistoryGet Account Portfolio HistorygetWatchlistsGet All WatchlistsgetCreate WatchlistpostGet Watchlist by IDgetUpdate Watchlist By IdputAdd Asset to WatchlistpostDelete Watchlist By IddeleteGet Watchlist by NamegetUpdate Watchlist By NameputAdd Asset to Watchlist By NamepostDelete Watchlist By NamedeleteDelete Symbol from WatchlistdeleteAccount ConfigurationsGet Account ConfigurationsgetAccount ConfigurationspatchAccount ActivitiesRetrieve Account ActivitiesgetRetrieve Account Activities of Specific TypegetCalendarGet Market Calendar infogetClockGet Market Clock infogetCrypto FundingRetrieve Crypto Funding WalletsgetRetrieve Crypto Funding TransfersgetRequest a New WithdrawalpostRetrieve a Crypto Funding TransfergetAn array of whitelisted addressesgetRequest a new whitelisted addresspostDelete a whitelisted addressdeleteReturns the estimated gas fee for a proposed transaction.getAlpaca Market Data APIStockHistorical auctionsgetHistorical barsgetLatest barsgetCondition codesgetExchange codesgetHistorical quotesgetLatest quotesgetSnapshotsgetHistorical tradesgetLatest tradesgetHistorical auctions (single)getHistorical bars (single symbol)getLatest bar (single symbol)getHistorical quotes (single symbol)getLatest quote (single symbol)getSnapshot (single symbol)getHistorical trades (single symbol)getLatest trade (single symbol)getOptionHistorical barsgetCondition codesgetExchange codesgetLatest quotesgetSnapshotsgetOption chaingetHistorical tradesgetLatest tradesgetCryptoHistorical barsgetLatest barsgetLatest orderbookgetLatest quotesgetLatest tradesgetHistorical quotesgetSnapshotsgetHistorical tradesgetForexLatest rates for currency pairsgetHistorical rates for currency pairsgetLogosLogosgetScreenerMost active stocksgetTop market moversgetNewsNews articlesgetCorporate actionsCorporate actionsgetBroker APIAccountsGet All AccountsgetSubscribe to Account Status Events (SSE)getCreate an AccountpostUpload Owner Documents for an Existing AccountpostGet An Account by IDgetDelete a Bank Relationship for an AccountdeleteUpdate an AccountpatchRequest options trading for an account (BETA)postRequest to Close a TransferdeleteRetrieve Account ActivitiesgetRetrieve Account Activities of Specific TypegetRetrieve ACH Relationships for an accountgetCreate an ACH RelationshippostRetrieve Trading Details for an AccountgetDelete an existing ACH relationshipdeleteGet Pattern Day Trader Status for accountgetExercise PDT one time removalpostClose an AccountpostDocumentsRetrieve a List of Account DocumentsgetDownload an Account DocumentgetDownload the W8BEN document for the primary owner of an accountgetTradingList Open Positions for an AccountgetClose All Positions for an AccountdeleteGet an Open Position for account by Symbol or AssetIdgetClose a Position for an AccountdeleteExercise an Options Position (BETA)postRetrieve an Order by its IDgetReplace an OrderpatchCancel an Open OrderdeleteRetrieve a List of OrdersgetCreate an Order for an AccountpostCancel all Open Orders For an AccountdeleteEstimate an OrderpostBulk Fetch All Accounts PositionsgetGet Account Portfolio HistorygetUpdate Trading Configurations for an AccountpatchRetrieve real-time Trading Limits for an AccountgetAssetsRetrieve All AssetsgetRetrieve an Asset by IDgetRetrieve Entry Requirements for requested assetsgetGet Option Contracts (BETA)getGet an option contract by ID or Symbol (BETA)getCalendarRetrieve the Market CalendargetEventsSubscribe to Transfer Events (SSE)getSubscribe to Trade Events (SSE) (Legacy)getSubscribe to Trade Events (SSE)getSubscribe to Admin Action Events (SSE)getSubscribe to Non-Trading Activities Events (SSE)getFundingRetrieve Bank Relationships for an AccountgetCreate a Bank Relationship for an AccountpostRetrieve List of Transfers for an Account.getRequest a New TransferpostRetrieve JIT ReportsgetRetrieve Daily Trading LimitsgetRetrieve JIT LedgersgetRetrieve JIT Ledger BalancesgetList all JIT SettlementsgetCreate a new JIT settlementpostGet a single JIT settlementgetFunding WalletsCreate sandbox deposit transferpostBatch create funding walletspostRetrieve funding walletgetCreates a funding walletpostRetrieve funding detailsgetRetrieve funding wallet transfersgetRetrieve recipient bankgetCreate a recipient bankpostDelete a recipient bankdeleteCreate a withdrawalpostInstant FundingGet Instant Funding ListgetCreate an intant funding requestpostGet an instant funding requestgetCancel an instant funding requestdeleteList settlementsgetCreate a new settlementpostGet a single settlementgetGet instant funding limitsgetGet instant funding account limitsgetGet instant funding reportgetOAuthGet an OAuth clientgetIssue an OAuth tokenpostAuthorize an OAuth TokenpostClockRetrieve the Market ClockgetJournalsRetrieve a List JournalsgetSubscribe to Journal Events (SSE)getCreate a JournalpostCancel a Pending JournaldeleteRetrieve a Single Journal EntrygetCreate a Batch Journal Transaction (One-to-Many)postCreate a Reverse Batch Journal Transaction (Many-to-One)postCorporate ActionsRetrieve AnnouncementsgetRetrieve a Specific AnnouncementgetWatchlistRetrieve all Watchlists for an AccountgetCreate a New Watchlist for an AccountpostManage watchlistsgetUpdate a WatchlistputRemove a WatchlistdeleteAdd an Asset to a WatchlistpostRemove a Symbol from a WatchlistdeleteKYCUpload CIP informationpostRetrieve CIP informationgetRetrieve an Onfido SDK TokengetUpdate the Onfido SDK OutcomepatchRebalancingList PortfoliosgetCreate PortfoliopostGet Portfolio by IDgetUpdate Portfolio by IDpatchInactivate Portfolio By IDdeleteList All SubscriptionsgetCreate SubscriptionpostGet Subscription by IDgetUnsubscribe Account (Delete Subscription)deleteList All RunsgetCreate Run (Manual rebalancing event)postGet Run by IDgetCancel Run by IDdeleteLogosGet LogogetReportingRetrieve Aggregate PositionsgetRetrieve EOD PositionsgetRetrieve EOD Cash Interest DetailsgetCountry InfoRetrieve countries informationgetCrypto FundingRetrieve Crypto Funding WalletsgetRetrieve Crypto Funding TransfersgetRequest a New WithdrawalpostRetrieve a Crypto Funding TransfergetAn array of whitelisted addressesgetRequest a new whitelisted addresspostDelete a whitelisted addressdeleteReturns the estimated gas fee for a proposed transaction.getIRARetrieve Excess ContributionsgetCash InterestList APR TiersgetRetrieve an Asset by IDget https://broker-api.sandbox.alpaca.markets/v1/assets/{symbol_or_asset_id}Returns the requested asset, if found