Retrieve EOD Cash Interest Details

This API retrieves a list of cash interest details for the given date(s) for a single account or all accounts. End-of-day (EOD) details are typically accessible after 8:00pm Eastern Time (ET) and reflect that day’s ending state across cash balances, accrued interest, accrued fees, as well as additional ancillary details.

Query Params

Account globally unique identifier. If not provided, the report will be generated for all accounts.


A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If not provided, the report will be generated for the most recent date this report is available.


A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, valid only if account_id is provided and date is not provided. If not provided, this will use before value. If neither is provided the most recent available date is used for both before and after.


A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, valid only if account_id is provided and date is not provided. If not provided, this will use the most recent available date.


The direction to use for sorting responses, either asc or desc. Only valid for account_id queries, for which only sorting by date is supported. Defaults to desc.

1 to 10000
Defaults to 1000

The page size, used for paginating responses. Defaults to 1000, with a maximum of 10,000.


A token used to retrieve the next page for paginated queries. If provided the response will begin at the next page of the results for the response from which the next_page_token is used.


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